
Stronger Safer Florida Members Speak Out

OPINION: Prepare now for Florida's hurricane season

It is that time of year again – hurricane season – and Floridians should prepare for more frequent and more intense storms capable of devastating damage. With many businesses still recovering from the ongoing pandemic, practicing storm preparedness is crucial to maintain the momentum and growth we have built since reopening from the pandemic.

The hurricane forecast team at Colorado State University recently released their predictions for the upcoming storm season. Reported data suggests there is a 45% chance that a hurricane will make landfall on the East Coast, including the Florida peninsula. This is well above the average chance of 31% over the past century.

In addition the research indicated that this storm season could equal some of the most active years, including 2017. You may remember that 2017 was the most financially devastating hurricane season to date; it caused $306.2 billion in damage across America. In fact, three hurricanes in 2017 – Harvey, Irma and Maria – are among the top seven most intense hurricanes ever recorded.

With a hurricane landfall in Florida a real possibility this year, it remains imperative that our state’s policy leaders continue to ensure that the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund remains sufficiently funded.

This fund, along with private market reinsurance, backstops our domestic insurance industry. It also ensures that claims of hurricane-damaged residences and businesses are made whole in a timely manner. While our leaders continue to address many pressing state issues, a sound and stable hurricane catastrophe fund is a key element to storm preparedness and recovery.

Florida should also look to create universally standard building codes while supporting the small and inexpensive ways that builders and homeowners can fortify their spaces. We must remember that being prepared for a storm starts with how and where we build: the stronger our homes, the less damages they receive. These efforts can also lower the impact of a hurricane on Floridians and Florida's economy.

Finally we should continue to brace ourselves for storms that are supercharged by a warming ocean and sea level rise. Communities should consider structural and nature-based solutions to help blunt some of the worst effects of future extreme weather. They also should develop partnerships with local, state and federal governments – and also with the private sector.

Only by working together can we best protect ourselves from what is coming. Ultimately building more resilient structures and keeping the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund financially strong are two elements we can control to limit the economic challenges of future extreme weather.

Brewster Bevis is a senior vice president for the Associated Industries of Florida.